Dos versiones muy diferentes de una canción
Micah P. Hinson y Emmy the Great

Micah P.Hinson

En su extraordinario disco de versiones  All dressed Up and smelling of strangers, Micah P.Hinson interpreta esta versión de We almost had a baby (Casi tuvimos un niño), muy distinta de la original que compuso e interpretó Emmy The Great (“La gran Emmy”).

El ruido de fondo, por si a alguien le llama la atención, es a propósito y, en mi opinión, hace más hermosa la canción. Todo el disco de Hinson está lleno de imperfecciones que multiplican la belleza de las canciones.

 We almost had a baby

I didn’t stop when I knew I should stop
And there was a month that she wasn’t showed
The next time she saw me out on the road
I’d have something to say
Other than: “Pay all of the money that you owe”
She would like to have something above me
have something to hold
to know she could choose to let it growth
She would call me and she’d say
She would call me and she’d say
Hey you know I’m in control
I’ll let you know if you have
To come and choose a name
I am a man, you know I am a man
But before she met me I was only a kid
I knew there was alone what I thought I would break her
But I wanted to take her so I didAnd I don’t think of her now
That we are apart
I put my hands across my chest
I plan to feed it with a heartI’m not the boy that she remember from the start
I was only a baby

Now I’m what I made me don’t think of her now
We are apart
I put my hands across my chest
that I plan to feed it with a heartI’m not the boy
she may remember from the start
I was only a baby
But I’m not what I made me

Y aquí está la versión de su autora, Emmy the Great, que también me gusta mucho aunque sea tan diferente. En ella también se escucha un viento que se mete en la toma de sonido y que, de nuevo, hace más interesante la canción (es evidente que siento una cierta atracción hacia lo imperfecto). La letra de la canción original también  es diferente, porque muestra el punto de vista de ella, de la chica, que cree haberse quedado embarazada, mientras que en la versión de Hinson es el chico quien habla. Aquí la versión de Emmy:

We almost had a baby
Well you didn’t stop
When I told you to stop
And there was a month
That I wasn’t sure
The next time I saw you
Out on the river
I’d have something to say
Other than “pay me all of the money you owe”
I would have liked to
To have something above you
To have something to hold
And know I could choose to grown would’ve called you
And I’d have said “hey
You know I’m in control
I’ll let you know if you have to come and choose a name”
Well, I am a woman
But before I met you
I was only a kid
You know
When you thought you would break me
But you wanted to take me
So you did.

And I will think of you now
That we are apart
I’ve put my hand across my gut
I plan to beat it with a heart

I’m not the girl you remember from the start
I was only a baby
Now I’m what you made me

For once, you hit the spot
Twice, you let it fall
And once I tried to make a light
To keep myself in yours

Do you think of me
When you are playing?


Si quieres escuchar la canción grabada, muy orquestada y atmosférica, aquí la tienes:


[Publicado el 10 de enero de 2011 en Material sensible]


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La caja (que contiene diez cd’s) y el dibujo fueron creados por Aitor Méndez.


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